Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Chapter 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship


This chapter is an introduction to both entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. The entrepreneurial process is important in order to get a business up and running. This chapter will provide a clear of who an entrepreneur is, as well as appreciation of what entrepreneurship is about. The aim is to foster better understanding of what it takes to be small business owner.
This chapter will go through some basic steps in order to guide and motivate young and new entrepreneurs by equipping them with knowledge about entrepreneurship by means if simple concepts. The chapter also aims to create excitement and passion among students to become entrepreneurs. By reading through simple and organized explanations, as a first step, students will emerge as essential components to any business education. Studying business and entrepreneurship can facilitate the learning curve for those who have the right desire and passion. This chapter will, indeed, prepare students for their entrepreneurial journey.

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Both entrepreneur and entrepreneurship have their own privileges. For that, focused attention and recommendation should be given especiall...